Which Traeger Grills Have WiFi? (AKA WiFIRE) 

Which Traeger Grills Have WiFI

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I remember when WiFi was a luxury feature that only the high-end grills offered.

Companies like Green Mountain Grills (GMG) started shaking up the market by including WiFi in there entry level options.

Traeger followed suit in 2019, making WiFi (or WiFIRE as they call it) a standard feature on the Pro 575 and 780, their most popular selling entry-level grill.

They do still see grills without WiFi, and some older models are still sold around the place so it’s worth double checking before you buy to make sure the model you’re getting has WiFi.

Which Traeger grills have WiFire?

Not all Traeger grills have WiFire technology (WiFi), so we’ve listed all the models that include WiFi, and those that don’t.

Traeger grills without WiFire

The Traeger grills that don’t have WiFire can largely be split into two categories, portable models and earlier generations.

When it comes to portable models, Traeger has a range of options including the Tailgater, Scout and Ranger. None of these models has WiFire connectivity. 

Other models that don’t have WiFire integration include the first-generation Pro Series.

These are called Pro 22 and Pro 34, while the newer models with WiFi include cooking area in the name like the Pro 575 and Pro 780.

This is important because, while the first generation models are no longer available from Traeger, they can still be found being sold by 3rd party suppliers like Walmart, Lowes, and Costco. You don’t want to be caught out buying a first-generation and thinking it has WiFire.

Traeger grills with WiFire connectivity

As we’ve already mentioned, all of the second-generation Pro Series models have WiFire connectivity. 

The Pro range is what might be called Traeger’s flagship line and it’s widely regarded as their most popular grill because it provides a good combination of affordable price point, quality, and functionality.

As you might expect, the high-end Ironwood and Timberline Models all have WiFire connectivity as well as additional features like the Keep Warm and Super Smoke modes that allow the WiFire app to keep what you’ve cooked warm or boost the amount of smoke for that additional smokey tang. 

Traeger Pro 575 controller screen
Traeger Pro 575 controller screen with WiFire technology

Is there a difference between WiFi and WiFire?

No. WiFire is just Traeger’s name for the WiFi technology they put in their grill range.

How do I start using the WiFi connectivity?

It’s simple. Once you have your grill connected to your home network, download the Traeger Grill App from either Google Play or iTunes Store and create an account. After that, just select which of your grills are on at any given time.

Traeger app screenshots

What if I don’t have access to WiFi?

No problem. You can still control your Traeger Grill using the app on either Android or Apple devices, by selecting ‘Bluetooth’ instead of WiFI when you’re linking to your grill’s home network.

Keep in mind that Bluetooth isn’t as reliable, and has worse range, so WiFi is the preferred connection method.

This is also where you’ll go for push notifications and updates that let you know when your grill is preheated, or if there’s any activity on the grill.

What exactly can I do with the Traeger App?

The app has all kinds of features that allow you to relax and enjoy time with friends and family while you are cooking.

You can monitor the temperature of your food, set alarms, and change the temperature of the grill. It even offers tips for cooking at specific temperatures and times.

Traeger app screenshots

You can also set the grills to go off after a certain amount of time, so it’s easy to catch up with everyone if something comes up and doesn’t leave them waiting too long.

Are there any downsides to WiFire?

All modern technology has its drawbacks. I’ve been all set and ready to cook, I go to turn my Traeger Pro 575 on only to be greeted by the dreaded message.

Firmware update required.

You need to put your cooking on hold while your grill connects to the net and updates to the latest version.

This doesn’t happen very often, and it is kind of cool that you grill can continue to get better even after you’ve purchased it.

WiFire up the grill

As you can see, outside of the budget end of the range and older models, most of the Traeger grills have WiFire connectivity. 

The only thing to watch out for is buying the Pro range from places like Walmart, Lowes, and Costco and making sure you don’t get stuck with a non-WiFire first-generation Pro model.

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