How to Reheat Prime Rib (So it’s Still Juicy)

sliced prime rib roast ready to reheat

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Some people think it’s difficult to reheat prime rib and still keep the meat tender and tasty, but this isn’t the case. In fact, there are many ways to do it! 

This post will talk about how to reheat prime rib – and how to avoid ruining it in the process. 

The methods we will discuss include oven-heating, using a steamer, and the dangers of microwave-heating. We’ll also go over how to tell when your meat is ready for eating!

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How to reheat prime rib

There are a number of different ways that you can reheat even a delicate cut of meat like prime rib. Some of the most popular options are using an oven, steamer, or microwave.

You might also want to check out our how much prime rib per person guide so you don’t find yourself in this situation again.

How to reheat prime rib in an oven

The first method you can use is to put your prime rib in an oven preheated at around 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

You want to make sure that it’s wrapped tightly with aluminum foil and let it cook for about 20-30 minutes before checking how ready it is by inserting a meat thermometer into its thickest part.

Once done, take out the broiler pan from the oven and lift up the top layer of tin foil – but be careful not to burn yourself. Then all you have left to do is transfer your prime rib onto a plate and enjoy!

How to reheat prime rib in a steamer

If you don’t own an oven or simply prefer other cooking methods, consider using a steamer instead.

Just place your prime rib in the steamer with some sliced onions underneath it and then put the steamer pot over medium-high heat to get it going for about half an hour. The best way to check if your steak is ready is by inserting a meat thermometer into its thickest part.

You’ll want the meat to have reached about 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once ready, take out the steamer pot from the stovetop and transfer everything onto a cutting board before slicing up how much of your prime rib that you want to eat.

Other methods for reheating prime rib

If all else fails, consider using either a pan or slow cooker or crockpot, depending on how much time you have available in order to reheat this delicious cut of beef!

Frying pan

For example, if you’re short on time then simply use a frying pan since it’ll only take about 20 minutes before the steak is how you want it to be.

To reheat your prime rib in a pan, just place some oil in it and turn the stove to medium-high before putting your prime rib back into the pan.

The downside to using a frying pan is that you’ll need to watch the steak while reheating it in order for it not to burn, and even then pan-frying it will dry the meat out somewhat.

Slow cooker or crockpot

On the other hand, if you have more time at your disposal then go with using a slow cooker or crockpot since this will take several hours until it’s done cooking.

To reheat your prime rib in a slow cooker, you need to add the meat and some liquid (such as beef broth) to your slow cooker, cover it with a lid, set the temperature of the device on low heat since you want it hot enough without cooking too fast.  After about three hours, you’ll notice how perfectly tender and reheated this cut will be!

The benefit of using a slow cooker to reheat prime rib is that you won’t have to worry about the meat getting dry or burnt.

You could also use the sous vide method that we describe in our how to reheat beef brisket article.

Why you should avoid using the microwave

Microwaves are amazing at certain tasks, such as quickly defrosting certain frozen foods, reheating a beverage, or heating up a bowl of soup – but they are terrible at reheating prime rib.

This is because of the method that microwaves use to cook food. Microwaves cook using microwave radiation – heating up the water molecules in food.

Unfortunately, since prime rib is made out of mostly muscle fibers that don’t contain much water, being bombarded with radiation can cause the meat to become an odd combination of slightly dry and kind of mushy.

Since you’ve gone to the trouble of getting a good cut like prime rib, you don’t want to ruin it by reheating it in the microwave.

What’s the best way to store prime rib after cooking?

The best way to store prime rib after cooking is to wrap it tightly and place it in a container designed for freezing.

Freezer bags are excellent for this as they will keep air out but still allow water vapor from melting ice crystals to escape so they don’t cause freezer burn.

You should only leave your prime rib in the freezer for about three months, or you’ll run the risk of the meat drying out too much.

If you know you’ll be eating your prime rib leftovers soon, you can also store it in the refrigerator. The best way to store leftover meat in the fridge is to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then place the wrapped prime rib into a container that can protect against leaks.

You’ll want to make sure you eat your refrigerated leftovers within a day or two, though.

Can you reheat prime rib more than once?

You don’t want to reheat any cut of meat more than once because of the potential for bacterial growth.

As soon as the meat reaches the Danger Zone temperature of between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria colonies begin to double in size every couple of minutes.

Not only will you get diminishing returns from repeatedly reheating even the best cut of meat, but you’ll be significantly increasing your chances of getting food poisoning.

Wrapping it up

Hopefully, now you have a better idea of how to reheat prime the right way. While your prime rib is always going to taste best freshly cooked, there’s no reason you can’t reheat any leftovers and still enjoy them.

However, how you reheat it will affect how good your meat tastes and how safe it is to eat.

Following our guide means you have the best-tasting prime rib the second time around, without the risk of Salmonella.

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